We are proud to feature our newest Articulating JIB Crane designed with you in mind. We believe it will become an essential component and solution for all of your lifting needs.
“iTRANS” make articulating JIB Cranes can position loads in places where you cannot reach with traditional JIB Cranes. They provide easy rotation and consistent responsiveness when positioning loads throughout the crane’s coverage area.
Traditional JIB Cranes can be difficult to rotate when the load is on the inner half of the boom. The articulating jibs are easier to rotate in close to the free standing mast or building column.
This crane has low headroom and allows tools, air balancers and hoists to be suspended & give absolute, infinite and effortless coverage over work stations and around obstructions.
Entirely independent from the building, anchored to the ground. This crane can serve an almost circular working area with a maximum radius of 4 meters.
Moreover, we offer a electric chain hoists with electric trolley as well as various other accessories.